25 November 2008

The Role Models: Once the 'Stifler' now the 'Wheeler' busy in the act of mentoring kids

The most awaited release of 2008 is the movie called 'Role Models'. This is a movie which has comedy and also self realization as its basic theme.

The Role Models story line is quite a simple one with the overall plot being quite plain. There are two salesmen who have an accident by ramming a truck into an object.

The various role models reviews being given on many websites don't describe as to what exactly is this object. It is however referred to as the 'energy filled fuelled bender'.

However, the story rolls on to the courtroom where these two 'salesmen' are given an option. They have to do take part in a mentor-ship program for about 150 hours or do 'hard' time. The movie sees these two guys opting for the first option.

The fun really shoots off to heaven from here, with incidents taking place which are extremely funny. The names of these two characters are 'Wheeler' and 'Danny'. The persistent efforts of 'Danny' to make a man out of 'Augie' while being surrounded by 'improver' increases his irritation which leads to comic outbursts.

The cast of the movie is quite a good one with well known actors being present. 'Wheeler' is played by the well known actor 'Seann William Scott' (The enthusiastic 'Stifler' who wanted to be a fireman in the movie 'American Pie'). The neurotic side effects of 'Danny' are played both honestly and effectively by 'Paul Ruad'.

Mentor ship is given a realistic and also a humorous portrayal in the Role Models story line. The overall potential of the movie can be judged by its official website, which has been developed in an amusing manner.

The wonderful performance of the supporting cast makes this movie into one of the potential 'box-office busters'. Those who love watching movies will have a ball while watching this one.

Most of the Role model reviews will be able to paint a clearer picture about the excellence of this movie. They should be read in order to understand the reason for paying for the ticket (even if, the number of friends seeing, becomes a bit too heavy on the wallet).


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