09 June 2009

Angels and Demons: Movie Review

Angels and Demons is the story about the adventure on an secret brotherhood, named Illuminati. Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetta are the main characters who drive the entire story to bring a new twist. The Illuminati, a prosecuted group with whom some evil forces are seeking revenge. The signs of revenge was followed by the death of pope and after that the destruction of Vatican city leads to further chaos and confusion to all situation. But with the passing time the Robert and the beautiful physict were called to search the clues and discover the truth about the mysterious killing 4 other participants, who were selected to be voted for the required position. The mysterious killings raises many questions and to search their answers, Robert and Vittoria go on an adventurous journey to unravel the mystery throughout Rome. Illuminati was thought to be extinct and no one knows who is the main master mind.

The whole screen play is written by David Koepp and Akiva glodsmann. This story is completely fictional in nature and somehow it is inspired by the past beliefs of church. The whole concept is quite interesting and this the first time that Ron Howard is experimenting with something which will attract many viewers who would love to watch this adventure. Additionally, this movie is worth to watch and would provide you the enjoyment which you have never felt earlier. Sometimes, there are situations when you really feel like dreaming about an adventure full of danger and make your heart beat run like a wild creature. This time Ron howard has tried its best to add chillies in the whole movie by the stunning performances of both the characters. Consequently, the whole scenario revolves around various characters and their struggle to know the master mind.

The director in the movie has made appreciating attempt to present the situations with full perfection. So that during the major half of the movie, the viewer would not feel boring while watching the movie because the events in the story are created in such a manner that will make you laugh and cry. This movie is expected to be enlisted in the top 5 positions. Therefore most likely, it has scored seven stars out of ten. This Hollywood movie review may sound little bit strange but at the same time you will feel really anxious to discover this adventure

If you will miss this fun, then unfortunately you are missing the real drama. This time if you are still thinking about it then remember you won't get the opportunity to enjoy the nerve racking adventure with your beloved or family members. So enjoy with this is Hollywood new releases.


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