18 June 2009

The Prposal: film review

The Proposal seems to be one of the best crime detective movies which one should see in a good while. Director Annie Fletchor has done a tremendous job which is really appreciable. So if you've already seen “The Departed” and are asking yourself "what next?" amongst all the lackluster fare these days, this is a movie you might be interested in.

This upcoming hollywood movie stars Jennifer Esposito and Nick Moran. Some of us had never heard of either of them, inspite of the fact that they both have a pretty good number of movies or television shows on their resume. Esposito reminded the audience of Jennifer Aniston's tougher older sister. Expectations are drawn that she is not that good in the opening minutes of the movie, but she is of kind who will surely impress the viewers. As for Moran, he is excellent in this. There's something about the shape of his face and especially his voice that will remind you of the young John Savage.

Here's the set-up of the movie. Detective Terry Martin has been undercover for six months, posing as a fence and trying to get some concrete evidence against a minor crime boss named Simon. Since he is patted down for a wire virtually every time he comes into Simon's presence, he carries a fake .9mm automatic in his holster which actually contains a micro-cassette recorder. He has dozens of tapes on Simon collected, but has yet to get that really big admission on tape that will nail the guy for something big. He has also been using the excuse of a demanding wife to distance himself from the operation when he needs to which works out fine until he is invited to attend Simon's birthday party and is told to bring his wife and the story moves on.

Sandra Bullock as the producer of the movie handled it extremely well. She knows her on- screen strengths and weaknesses, and, most importantly, she knows her audience. Many empty seats were found at the sneak-preview in Boston, but I hope that this doesn't get the filmmakers down. The audience loved this film and it's going to get positive word-of-mouth from whoever sees it - young or old. It's going to be around for a long time.

Watch Trailer of The Proposal


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