25 June 2009

Review of Food, Inc. (2008)

We put food in our mouth every day. But do we know exactly what we are consuming when we pick up chicken breasts at the grocery store or at a fast-food restaurant, we even do not bother to care. “Food, Inc.” is one of the Hollywood new releases in which Director Robert Kenner says that you should take care of it.

Kenner presents a horrifying dissection of the U.S. food industry, where corporate-owned, mass-produced and chemically enhanced edibles which can be unhealthy at best and deadly at worst. If you look inside a cramped, dusty chicken house - where the birds are so puffed up with steroids,that they even collapse under the weight of their breasts and die before they can be slaughtered this will make you think twice about why you spend your money at the supermarket.

The individual stories of struggle are just as moving in their own way. One low-income family of four would like to eat well but they're often too busy to cook and vegetables are too expensive to include in their meals regularly, so they order off the dollar menu of some burger chain instead - and it shows in their waistlines. But the hardest story to watch is that of Barbara Kowalcyk, whose 20-year-old son died of E. coli from a burger he ate during vacation. Kowalcyk is now an advocate for food safety, pushing to shut down plants that repeatedly produce contaminated meat.

Kenner loses a bit of momentum when he focuses on farmers who have been sued for patent violation for cleaning their seeds for reuse. Seeds are, of course, the core of all the products we are talking about, so "Food, Inc.," this is such a complicated topic, it almost feels like it belongs to its own movie.

It only takes 48 days for a chicken to go to market,this is surely not natural. This film explores how food is grown, and the concerns that people have, such as the e-coli outbreak that seems to happen every year. All the meat lovers will surely want to change some of their practices like switching to Organic etc. This film also explores demand for certain products that are not genetically modified.

We all have to eat but we can make decisions based on facts, instead of based on perception. People need to be aware and must believe that their consequences may be disastrous. Some of the various upcoming Hollywood movies are The Hangover,Terminator Salvation, Drag me to Hell and Moon, enjoy them too.


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