01 September 2009

Art and Copy: Film Review

The Hollywood industry is churning out new and interesting flicks every year. Many upcoming Hollywood movies are lined up for release to set the box office on fire. One an always enjoy these latest flicks with their gang of friends. One such upcoming Hollywood new release is 'Art & Copy', by Doug Pray. It's tag line Creativity can solve anything is among the first things that attract the movie buff's attraction.

Art & Copy stars LEE Clow, Jim Durfee, Cliff Freeman, Jeff Goodby, David kennedy george Lois and many other people playing themselves in the movie. The writing credits go to Gregory Beauchamp and Kirk Souder Art & Copy gives the viewrs an insight into the success of the greatest in the creative fied of advertising. It is a documentary on these great people. Though, the director has made attempts not to make it as a documentary in the real sense of the word.

But one watch at it , will give the real picture. The movie has the clips of the various advertisements and interviews wth prominent personalities in the advertising field. Some of them are George Lois ("I want my MTV!"),Dan Wieden (Nike's "Just do it"), Hal Riney for (Ronald Reagan's "It's Morning in America").

The movie is an earnest attempt to give the due credit to creativity put in by these great people. But due to some reasons it ends up being a circumlocution. May be film is trying to imitate its title. It becomes an ad itself for the concept of advertising. The advertising field is glorified and the USP of the business are shown in a very admirable way. Actually, the movie is a glossy take on the this creative arena.

This movie will specifically interest those who want know the entire working if this area. It can be very useful to those who are eager to know the secrets of this field and how some great ads have been created. Such ads which can be termed as great and which have lasting impression on the audience mind. That is why it is call an art, revealing the products in an interesting way and that too in a very short span of time.


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