22 December 2009

The White Ribbon

The white ribbon is a Hollywood drama, which is set to release on 30th December 2009, in US and it is written and directed by Michael Haneke. This film is produced by Michael Katz, Stefan Arndt and Veit Heiduschka. It stars Christian Freidel, Ernst Jacobi, Ulrich Tukur, and Fion Mutert in the lead.

The story revolves around the memories of a village schoolmaster in the period of 1913 to 1914. The village, where he resides is located in the protestant northern Germany and this teacher makes all his students wear white ribbons because he thinks that it is a sign of purity.

The turning point in the movie comes when the villagers encounter with some bizarre incidents on the eve of World war one. Now it is for the viewer to find out whether the villagers are able to know the reason behind these incidents or they are able to save themselves from the implications of the world war. By going through the entire plot, one thing can be concluded that the storyline of the film is quite impressive and the backdrop of the world war is definitely going to make the entire product look interesting on screen.

The promos of the film have already been the talk of the town because of the complete new look given to the character of Christian. This is one of the upcoming Hollywood movies, which has already been showcased in Cannes and has released in many countries earlier. Michael has always proved that he is a very good storyteller, through his previous films like Nastro Bianco and Le Ruban blanc.

The film has been narrated by Ernst Jacobi and the distribution rights of this highly anticipated flick is acquired by Sony pictures classics. One thing that can make an average viewer skeptical about watching this movie is the major difference between the backdrop and the storyline. It would definitely be interesting to watch out for the kind of treatment that would be given by Michael.

If technical aspects are taken into account then definitely its a thumbs up, because the excellent work of Cinematographer Christian Berger can be witnessed in the promos. Other than this some of the cut-ins and cut -away shots have been wonderfully showcased by editor Monika Willi.


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