19 January 2010

Dear John

'Dear John' is an upcoming Hollywood movie, a romantic drama based on the Nicholas Sparks's novel of the same name. The movie is directed by Lasse Hallstrom and screenplay by Jamie Linden. 'Dear John' is produced by Marty Bowen, Wyck Godfrey, Ryan Kauvanaugh. Music tunes for the film are given by Deborah Lurie and the movie is edited by Kristina Boden.

The movie will be released theatrically in North America on February 5, 2010 under the banner of Screen Gems. Star cast of the movie includes Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfried, Scott Porter, Henry Thomas, Richard Jenkins and many more. The movie is going to be a heart touching entry among all Hollywood new releases hitting box office this year.

'Dear John', a romantic drama about a soldier, John Tyree who grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina raised by a single dad whose wife dumped the two males in her life. However, John learns from his father's Asperger's syndrome and his mother's abandonment that relationships must remain short, one night stands being his modus operandi except for joining the army where he makes a lifetime commitment as an infantryman.

'Dear John' tells the story of the soldier named Tyree John (Channing Tatum), who is at home on leave and Savannah Curtis (Amanda Seyfried), an idealistic college student. John falls for Savannah during her spring vacation. Over the next seven years, the couple is separated by John's increasingly dangerous deployment. While meeting only sporadically, they stayed in touch by sending a continuous stream of love latter overseas. Savannah writes him a letter, beginning with Dear John, that promises her love to him. John is very excited to come home to Savannah, however, due to 9/11, John feels the duty to reenlist in the Army. After years away from each other, Savannah writes John another letter. It starts with Dear John and ends with good-bye. A heartbreaking love story is ahead us, make sure to carry a box full of tissues when you go to watch Movie 'Dear John'


Unknown said...

Its a lovely movie with interesting characters. I haven't read the bool but liked this movie so much that I wish to see it once again.
Dear John 2010

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