14 December 2008

Bolt, the new heartthrob of the country

Not many times, you get to see a beautiful story metamorphosed into a animated 3-D format that comes across as a rare spectacle for the audience from all age-group. Bolt is a similar attempt in this direction. It is a movie that revolves around a cute little puppy with the name 'Bolt'. Bolt's whose voice-over is done by none other than the ever green actor 'John Travolta', shares a deep bond of affection with her tiny girl owner, Penny voiced by Miley Cyrus a.k.a 'Hannah Montana'. Bolt, who actually is a white German Shepherd, possesses some super powers that differentiates him from other creatures of his species, who becomes a reality star overnight along with her owner. The producers hail Bolt as their saving grace, as for them his down-to-earth acting binds the viewers to their seat, resulting into rocketing TRPs. However, due to some frictions in mutual understanding and confusions, Bolt unfortunately parts from her owner and accidentally lands into New York city. Now Bolt is on his way to Hollywood where Penny stays but the journey to his native place is not that much easy, as he thought out to be. During his fun-frolic yet adventurous journey, Bolt encounters with various other creatures alien to him, with some of them becoming his true friends such as a cat and a hamster.

Bolt, as an adventurous and fun-filled light hearted movie, excels in all quarters of film making. The voice over done by the John Travolta and teen sensation Miley Cyrus is just perfect. People who will be going to watch this film for the sake of 3-D animation can expect a dose of completely stunning 24K gold action scenes in the form of a 10-minute action scene (which is shot with utmost conviction) and other acrobatic acts such as evasion from helicopters, running at super speed on the California free way, dodging motorcyclists and last but not the least surviving the bomb scare. However, to say the least 'Bolt' more than as a 3-D animated film version impresses its audience on account of having a strong script that lets it to gain a foothold in the hearts of audience right from the word 'start'.. Overall, the animated movie Bolt more than as a 3-D movie Bolt emerges as a lovable story of a cute puppy and her sweet owner.


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