17 May 2009

O’Horten: An Unexpected Surprise

There has not been many movies about old people. O’Horten is one of the upcoming movies and Norwegian film about the main character coming of age, but this Hollywood movie is about coming of age story which takes place when the character is 67 years old, on his eve of retirement . This Hollywood movie is directed by Bent Hamer and is a revealing movie about the transitions in life with a phase called Retirement.

The upcoming movie opens with Odd Horten, who is a 40 year train engineer, waking up to the normal routine. He drives the train in and out of dark passages which opens to the landscape of beautiful Norway. The night before his retirement, the fellow engineers association decides to have a honoring party for his years of service and is given a small trophy called The Silver Locomotive. As due to some of the complex series of circumstances, Horten falls asleep in a stranger’s apartment and misses his party. This is an introduction to the next stage of his life that says about his problem of chronically falling asleep, that also at the wrong times.

Actually this Hollywood movie is pretty dense with lots of things. The upcoming movie tells that usually, when an old person is in a movie, they fit a young person’s view in them. They’re sweetly funny and often full of wisdom when it’s needed. Horten is cast not as young people to see him, but its on how he sees himself. He is Confused, dissatisfied and burdened. The whole charm of the movie is not in the funny parts but there are several alone moments with Horten.

There are many moments we rarely see, particularly with old characters in movies. But they are the real connecting point between for the viewers that spans generations. Generations preoccupied with a mythical life that doesn’t come soon enough and passes too quickly. There is so much in the Horten Character pleasures, regrets, coincidences, embarrassments and so many things that it makes it a great Hollywood movie to watch. It certainly makes up to be a delight for the audience.


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