12 May 2009

Star Trek The Upcoming Hollywood Movie Is Coming The Way With Lots Of Action

This Hollywood new release is directed by J.J. Abrams. The special thing about this Hollywood Movie is its casting. Zachary Quinto as Spock, Chris Pine as Kirk, John Cho as Sulu and others looked as if they are the real characters. The other remarkable thing about this Hollywood new release is the dialogues, mannerisms that is present throughout the movie. Start Trek voyage has gone to where no Trek has gone.

The story revolves around a bad guy, Nero (Eric Bana), who is on an evil mission to destroy all planets in the Federation. The Earth is also one of them in the list. The young Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Chekov, Sulu and not to forget Scotty, all these guys get together. Then, the story speaks about the circumstances in the upcoming Hollywood release.

Starting from the first scene, the Star Trek universe has changed forever. As we all know about this, Kirk has become an angry young man, who is looking for trouble. A Capt. Pike taken some interest in Kirk and Kirk fights with starfleet cadets in Iowa. Pike wanted to find out whether the Kirk is a genius level offender in the Midwest.

After knowing about Kirk, Pike dares him to join Starfleet to goad him with the legacy of his father. Pike challenges Kirk saying he has to fight to control his emotions and there is a tough path in front of him. He will have to choose between the Vulcan world, which will never accept. They will take him as anything than half human, also the Startfleet Academy would worlds away everything he has ever known.

Both of them(Kirk and Pike) met a young linguist Uhura and Dr 'Bones' McCoy at the Academy. They also had a glance on what headstrong kirk wreaks havoc on Starfleet's rules and regulations. Kirk faces scenario creator Mr.Spock and culminates his reprogramming the popular Kobayashi Maru test and related learning.

After everything was disclosed, a corrupt Romulan comes from the future, who bent on vengeance upon Ambassador Spock and then nothing happens in his way. As peril aims at the heart of the Federation, the fleet is called to arms. For the first time, Kirk and Spock are pulled together to save the galaxy in this upcoming Hollywood movie.


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