08 June 2009

My Life in Ruins: Movie review

This time the Hollywood new releases will slush the screens with upcoming movie like Away we go and my life in ruins. Both the movies are big banner movies and are expected to attract many viewers to the theatrical domes. These movies described above are made on humorous life drama where the characters in the lead roles go to discover and fulfill their desires and eventually end up with laughs. My life in Ruins is such kind of movie which will be one of the Hollywood new releases, starring Nia vardlos, Richard Dreyfuss, Harland Williams, Rachel Dratch, Maria Botto, Alexis georgoulis, Caroline Goodall, Sophie Stcukey and Brian Palermo. Life in Ruins excerpts from fox search light pictures. Nia Vardalos has returned back to screen after TV show big fat greek life and conny and carla which went anywhere. But Nia has come with new energy to rock the silver celluloid again.

This movie is about an academically sound woman who lives in Greece and is travel guide. She always remain frustrated by downtrodden career but one day many tourists from different nation like Australia, Britain and Spain meet her and from that day her encounter with one of the most pathetic tourist scrounge her nerves. These tourists joke, drink and do some freakish activities most of the time. Meanwhile, the story takes a sudden twist when Nia found herself in trouble waters and she ends up in gaining nothing.

From Nia vardlos writer and star of My Big fat greek wedding, comes the hilarious comedy. My life in Ruins has been forecasted in Cannes and tribeca film festival. According to the latest Hollywood movie reviews this movie has been given three stars which shows that its a laughter entertainment which could bring back the lost smile on your faces. It is one of the most humorous creations of Nia Vardlos from which you can't devoid their senses to check for the real excitement. If you are really bored of watching dead comedy, then it's a gold opportunity to boil rabbits this time because this is the movie with one of the best screenplays and shot on breath taking locations.

To Watch Trailer of My Life in Ruins CLICK HERE


Jane said...

I found the film to be fun.

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