10 August 2009

Julie & Julie Movie Review

How about spicing up a lazy afternoon with some good food and a chick flick; or want to have both? The upcoming Hollywood movie “Julie & Julia”, will do the trick for you. Norah Ephron teams up with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams to cook up this mouthwatering new offering from the Hollywood.

Two women, different world, different space and different time brought together by “food”, a movie cooked with a dash of relationship twist, a pinch of agonies and drudgeries of life, a spice called self discovery and a some sauce of inspiration from real life stories, a little stirring and you have your piping hot Hollywood new release, ready to be savored.

The movie draws inspiration from two books, the first one traces the journey of Julia Child from the shadow of her diplomat husband to a student at the celebrated Le Cordon Bleu school to a cooking teacher who goes on to pen down a cookery book and wed fame with her own TV show. The Second book, where this new release draws inspiration, was written by New Yorker Julie Powell, who decides to spice her bored government servant life by cooking all the 500+ recipes in Julia Child's “Mastering the Art of French Cooking “over the course of just 365 days. She had her tryst with fame after she starts blogging off, her adventures in the kitchen everyday. Her transition ranges from an incompetent and indecisive young woman to a person, having phenomenal strength of spirit,which had been latent.

Julia is played by Maryl Steeps, who has effortlessly portrayed the gigantic woman with such a passion for everything; right from the food she cooks to the way she loves and the life she cherishes. Amy Adams has sensitively portrayed a young woman struggling to create an identity, who finally gets her fair share of the “pie” through sheer conviction and a loving husband. Chris Messina was quite a discovery as Julie's husband. Stanley Tucci reunites with Streep to create the magic of “Devil wears Prada”.

So a little advice before you set out to enjoy this full course meal oops “movie”, have a sumptuous lunch or dinner, else, you will spend the entire time fantasizing about the delicious dishes.


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