12 October 2009

Invention of Lying: Movie Review

Invention of Lying is a recent Hollywood flick released on 2nd October 2009, It is a comedy, which is a directorial venture of Rickey Gervais and debutant Mathew Robinson and script has also been jointly written by the duo. It stars Rickey himself, Jenifer Garner, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey and some other people in the supportive cast. The movie is about the world where lie does not exist and people from all walks of life are free to express their opinion.

As soon as the story progresses, a loser named Mark invents this ability and he realizes that you are able to win the whole world when you have capability to lie. The Process of lying starts from Mark and then follows to all other characters in the film and how the various situations results in some of the best comic scenes, which are able to be make audiences laugh. The one thing that you like about the character of Mark is that he has fame and fortune with the path he chose but still he does not lie for the women who is his beloved. One would be able to witness many shades in his character.

The subject of the movie itself is quite unique and there are some really good comic scenes, which are not vulgar and can be watched by the family audiences. The script is fine and is able to hold the attention of the audiences, although there are some shots which could have been edited for the better understanding of the plot. In the beginning it takes a little time to pick up but soon catches up the pace.

In totality this movie is an entertainer and as a director Rickey Garvis has done a decent job and all the supportive characters have been properly cast according to the script. The movie has already made above 70$ million on the box office and is still counting. It is one of the finest films among the recent Hollywood new releases and is running at theatres near you. Therefore look forward to all the upcoming Hollywood releases and get exact picture.


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