23 November 2009

2012 - Highly Awaited Hollywood Movie

2012 was one of the most highly awaited Hollywood films of this year and has already been running at the theatres nearby, as it has was released on 13nth November 2009. This is an action flick starring John Cusack, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover and Woody Harrelson. The baton of direction and script has been taken over by Roland Emerich and is produced by Harald Coser and Mark Godon.

This upcoming Hollywood movie is based on the Mayan calender which tends to claim that the world is going to come to an end by 2012. The movie starts by showcasing the life of John Cusack, who is playing a divorcee and is a driver as well as a part time writer. The story follows by the incident of many people going for suicide to to avoid apocalypse. Till the time plot reaches this incident, one has another body named Institute of Human Continuity, which wants to alert their citizens and provide measures to all of them so that they can survive after what has been concluded by the Mayan Calender.

As soon as a viewer starts getting the grip over the story, a new angle is introduced in which John's character meets Charlie frost who is an RJ and a blogger. If we look at the film's narration, one would realize that it is worst then a stupid idea of a college boy and has so many things clubbed in it that one would not even realize where the story is moving.

The only thing in the movie which will be able to make the audiences spell bound is the excellent visuals and camera work. If the technical department is concerned, this movie should be watched because it has the best of it among all the Hollywood new releases.

Some parts of the story were so irrelevant that one would feel that why they have been included in the screenplay, specially the black president disaster show rope. The movie despite many flaws is successful because of its collections, which is more then 65 million worldwide. As an audience one has to look forward to all the upcoming Hollywood movies

To Watch 2012 Trailers Videos CLICK HERE


radio advertising said...

The story is also related to the day after tomorrow.. the end of the world theme.. Great effects!!

elpi said...

There's a whole world of destruction going on in the film's ridiculously excessive special-effects sequences. But there's a whole lot of entertaining going on, too.

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