22 April 2009

Bend it Like Beckham - The Truly Elegant Film

Bend it like Beckham is one the best British comedy films. It explores and discusses gender, race and ethnicity in contemporary London. 18 years old Jesminder Bhamra (Jess) is a British Indian Punjabi Sikh living in the western suburbs of London. Father and mother of Jess are Punjabi immigrants in Britain who work at nearby Airport.

Jess dreams of becoming a big football player like her idol, David Beckham (A real football player). She is very good in football, but it does not matter, because her bumpkin parents do not think it is right for her. Jess's parent want her to be more like her younger sister and find a nice Indian boy to marry. One day, a British girl named Jules Paxton sees Jess playing in the park with her friends including Tony. Jess's parents think that is the perfect one for her marry.

Jules plays for a local girls team and talks her coach, an Irishman named Joe into letting Jess try out for the team. Jess is not the only one having problems with her parents. Jules wants to play professionally in the America, which is just fine with her dad, Alan, but her mother Paula is not too hip on the idea, because she thinks that football is not womanly enough. As Jess and Jules becomes the two top most players on the team and they become best friends. This becomes a problem for a couple of reasons. Since Jules is so tomboyish, yet close to Jess, Paula assumes her daughter (Jules) is a lesbian, and Jess is her girlfriend. One of her bits of proof is that she think she hears a lover's spat one afternoon between Jules and Jess. In reality, they were both fighting over their philias for Joe (Team coach), who himself seems to be falling for Jess. With the conflict over Joe and the stress of having to deceive her parents in order to play soccer, Jess must decide whether to keep pursuing her dream or honour her parents’ wishes.

Finally, they won the international football match in the America. And they both become big football stars.


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