03 January 2010

Book of Eli

Among all the Upcoming Hollywood movies Book of Eli is also the one which is ready to surface the box office on 15th January 2010 . This product has been visualized by the famous brothers Albert and Allen Hughes and features Denzil Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis and Jenifer Beales in the lead. Production charge has been taken over by Joel silver along with his team and is penned by Garry whitta.

Its a futuristic film set in 2043 and revolves around a character named Eli, portrayed by Denzil. His character has to protect a book from by Gary Oldman, who wants to have its possession . The reason behind books protection is the wide acquaintance that it can provide regarding the redeem society. Being an Albert - Allen film, thrill element cannot be missing and is bound to entertain the audiences and it would be interesting to watch out how the mystery reveals in an interesting plot like such. Book of Eli comprises the journey that Denzil's character goes through for the purpose of book's protection.

It would also showcase his encounter with the supportive cast, in an unusual way which would another feather to this action flick's cap. A good concept and a wonderful narration can prove to be an advantage for the film at the ticket counters. Synopsis of the movie seems to arouse a lot of interst but a undefined backdrop can make the audiences skeptical about this movie.

This film is produced by Alcon entertainment and silver pictures and Columbia pictures have been the buyers of this action flick. The absence of a well defined backdrop can be a limitation because some major flaws can be witnessed in the screenplay of the film. Other than the creative departement, Few blunders have been made by cinematographer John Burgess, which can be clearly seen in the teasers as well. Looking at the track record of the directors one can expect some fine performances from all the actors because the duo has been able to deliver the best in their previous flicks as well.

Among all the Hollywood new releases, it can surely sustain its position at the box office if the treatement is properly executed.


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